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Asset Management
TGX Capital owns Templar Gestão e Investimentos Ltda., a general partnership asset management firm dully aproved by CVM to structure and manage private equity funds in Brazil (FIPs), as well as hedge funds (such as FIMs, FIAs, among others).

The company was created by Mr. Marcelo de Forbes Kneese as an investment vehicle dedicated, amongst other projects, to the acquisition of sugar and ethanol plants and the creation of a large player in association with the founders of Coimex Trading. This management team and their project has later become ETH Bioenergia within the Odebrecht Group, one of the largest and most successful histories of this industry in Brazil. Recently this team has rejoined TGX Capital to implement a roll-up strategy of small and mid-sized sugar and ethanol plants and create a new strategic player in this sector.

TGX Capital Investment Thesis is based on this partnership with experienced management teams and strong companies.
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